Thursday, October 10, 2013

Smart Pills or “I Want To Enhance My Mental Abilities”

Remember more. Think faster! Be smarter! Would not be nice to swallow a pill than study for a test? Do these “smart” pills really exist? Maybe you could take such a pill and gain mental rejuvenation in case of drowsiness.

Actually, the scientists study substances that could get better mental abilities. This substances are called cognitive enhancers or smart pills. There can be observed a variety of effects of cognitive enhancement. As an example, memory, study, focus, thinking process, social abilities, organization improvement.

For the most cases, the cognitive enhancers were used as a treatment for cognitive impairment of those with neurologic dysfunctions, yet there is an outrageous growing number of healthy people swallowing such drugs just hoping to become smarter. Even if exists a lot of cognitive enhancer producers, there are no proofs that these really work or is just the PLACEBO effect. Only for a restraint circle of manufacturers the drugs proofed to be efficient. The conclusions sustained by different laboratories show mixed results; some labs highlights the positive effects of the drug over the memory and study process, while others have nothing to show.

By analyzing the substances used for cognitive enhancers’ preparation, we can observe that these rise the brain’s metabolism and the brain’s blood flow while protecting it from physical and chemical    damage. The highly probable effects of these chemicals can be the physical energy improvement – fact available for the vigilance, as well – the depression decrease, along with a better memory.

Some of these cognitive enhancers can be found in the organic food stores, while some others are imported or exists as treatment for cognitive impairment as Alzheimer or Parkinson. There are to be found a lot of websites, books, magazines, and newspaper articles debating the effects of so called smart pills. Furthermore, there are even hundreds of online businesses merchandizing cognitive enhancers based on fake testimonials, without rushing to announce any side effect of the drugs. Since the financial profit became similar to the prize won after a dog fight tournament, people are careless about the human health and wellbeing in front of an immaculate white countless check.

The most important proof favoring the cognitive enhancers is the getting better of the patients suffering of cognitive impairments as brain traumas. Many similar products are even merchandized without even being tested. This is just the way of mass testing. Many of the positive effects of the cognitive enhancers were revealed after a test on lab rats. Anyhow, no matter how similar to a human’s and rat’s brain is, it is not completely identical. The human brain possesses so many mental processes, some of them still undiscovered. The skeptics consider that any improvement in a healthy person’s condition after swallowing cognitive enhancers is due to other influencing factors than the chemicals of the pill.

For the people who are against this beliefs, there are plenty of “I want to be smarter” product on the market, in any form possible, from juice to pills to coffee of food. As a warning, be sure what relative consequences are you undertaking, since these drugs are not yet proved as fully working and efficient on healthy people.